Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'm going to try to sum up as best I can while still giving important details. Month by month.
Rox's and my victorious return to England

The day before term started I was totally suffering post-break depression. This was in large part because of all of the exhaustion, but I got ended up getting really homesick just before term started again. Steph made sure to knock it out of me thoroughly, though.

The first week back I had a paper due in for Friday. I thought the deadline was a week later, so I didn't end up starting it until Tuesday. I got it in on time, though, and I got a 68 on it, so yay! I also got the final paper back from last term. 90. 90!!!! I have no clue how that happened but that is like an american 130% so needless to say I was over the mooooon.

The rest of January was pretty uneventful. I got pink eye, that sucked. Steph, Oli, and I have started having a weekly dinner, we take turns hosting. It's a nice way to make sure we see each other at least once a week, and it's really fun. Only now it's kind of just me and Oli because Steph went to London for her work experience.

Oli's Gold Day
February was quite eventful. I tried out for the 4th year shows again, and got into Mario and Vicki's again. It was also Oli's 22nd birthday--he threw a gold themed party. For Valentine's Day I went to dinner at Steph's. Lauren and Luke prepared a meal, so the two of them, me, Steph, Lauren's friend Jess, and Laura all at dinner together and I baked vegan blackout cake for desert. Then Steph, Lauren, and I watched the movie Valentine's Day. Crap film, but it was fun.

The best part of Feb was easily my 21st birthday, but I'll save that for the next post.

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